Lot 19 Gallery

Lot19 Gallery is a much loved arts space in Castlemaine with a long history of exhibiting local & visiting artists, and the hosting of significant arts events. The full three acre property consists of 21 artists’ studios, two outdoor stages, a contemporary art gallery and an outdoor sculpture park.

Dreamscapes - Solo Exhibition

The exhibition ran from Dec 3 - Dec 18, 2022 at Lot 19 gallery in Castlemaine, Victoria. I showcased the full Dreamscapes Collection, consisting of twelve large framed prints on premium canvas and fine art paper, with an oak frame. Sizes ranged from 70 x 105 cm to 100 x 150 cm.

Artist Talk

The exhibition Opening as held on Saturday, Dec 3, 2-5pm with people attending from Castlemaine, as well as from the surrounding towns of Bendigo, Clunes, Daylesford and Malden. Between drinks and nibbles I told the stories behind my work and how I got into fine art drone photography. On Saturday, Dec 17, 2-3pm I held an Artist Talk with a small intimate group discussing the work, as well as the finer details behind drone photography and its implications as a contemporary art form. 

Art Precinct

Lot 19 Gallery is part of a larger arts precinct in Castlemaine. It is a beautiful place to hold a solo art exhibition. I was very grateful to be able to showcase my work there.